
Cameco strives to be a leader in environmental best practices and performance by complying with, and where possible moving beyond, regulated requirements.

Our track record for responsible development has been acknowledged around the world and we regularly share our performance in publicly-available Sustainable Development reporting.

Protecting the environment is a top priority at Cameco, whether we’re actively operating mines, exploring for uranium, or advancing existing projects toward possible future mining operations. We monitor the land, water, plants and animals surrounding our projects and once we finish exploring an area, we ensure it is rehabilitated.

A large part of our project work is planning the measures we’ll employ to minimize environmental impacts from potential operations.

This is evident in the many environmental studies we’ve undertaken at both Kintyre and Yeelirrie. These studies inform and guide the measures Cameco will develop and implement to protect flora, fauna, air and water in the environments at our projects, should they develop into operating mines.

Environment Features